Managing California Storm Water

With drought like California is experiencing, its hard to think about the EPA requirements for monitoring and reporting storm water. Aqua Operations is here to help you understand your permit, and compile and report your data.

Annual Storm Water Reports are required by all commercial, industrial, municipal, CalTrans and construction sites, which have been issued a Storm Water Discharge Permit by the EPA, any Regional Water Quality Control Board, or are regulated by a General Order of the State Water Resources Control Board.

Order 97-03-DWQ is an NPDES permit that regulates storm water discharges associated with 10 broad categories of industrial activities. The General Industrial Permit requires the implementation of management measures that will achieve the performance standard of best available technology economically achievable (BAT) and best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT). The General Industrial Permit also requires the development of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a monitoring plan. Through the SWPPP, sources of pollutants are to be identified and the means to manage the sources to reduce storm water pollution are described.

Limiting storm water pollution is everyone’s responsibility. Aqua Operations can help you understand your responsibilities and identify sampling locations according to your permit. Automatic and refrigerated sampling equipment and water quality instruments necessary for monitoring can be ordered through our online store at

Know what Storm Water is removing from your property, and file your reports by July 1st.